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indent(String,int,String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
Indents and word-wraps a String to fit within the console's overlay.
indent(String,int) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
Indents and word-wraps a String to fit within the console's overlay.
InfiniteAmmo - class in org.lazywizard.console.commands
InfiniteCR - class in org.lazywizard.console.commands
InfiniteFlux - class in org.lazywizard.console.commands
InfiniteFuel - class in org.lazywizard.console.commands
InfiniteSupplies - class in org.lazywizard.console.commands
init(InteractionDialogAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.ShowSettings.SettingsDialog
init(CombatEngineAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.testing.Test.LazyFontExample
init(CombatEngineAPI) - function in com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatCheatManager
isAIDisabled(ShipAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.commands.ToggleAI
isCampaignAccessible() - function in org.lazywizard.console.BaseCommand.CommandContext
Returns whether the player is in campaign mode, including in campaign battles (even refit simulation battles).
isDouble(String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
isEnabled(String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.cheatmanager.CombatCheatManager.PluginManager
isFloat(String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
isInCampaign() - function in org.lazywizard.console.BaseCommand.CommandContext
Returns whether this context is on the campaign map.
isInCombat() - function in org.lazywizard.console.BaseCommand.CommandContext
Returns whether this context is on the combat map.
isInMainMenu() - function in org.lazywizard.console.BaseCommand.CommandContext
Returns whether the player is viewing the main menu.
isInMarket() - function in org.lazywizard.console.BaseCommand.CommandContext
Returns whether the player is interacting with a market-containing entity.
isInteger(String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
isLearnable(ShipHullSpecAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.commands.AllBlueprints
isLearnable(FighterWingSpecAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.commands.AllBlueprints
isLearnable(WeaponSpecAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.commands.AllBlueprints
isLearnable(IndustrySpecAPI) - function in org.lazywizard.console.commands.AllBlueprints
isLong(String) - function in org.lazywizard.console.CommandUtils
isPressed(List) - function in org.lazywizard.console.ConsoleSettings.Keystroke
isTarget(ShipAPI,CheatTarget) - function in org.lazywizard.console.cheatmanager.CombatCheatManager.PluginManager
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