
Class CommandStore

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CommandStore

    The console mod's internal command storage. You can retrieve detailed information on the loaded commands using this class.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • reloadAll

         static void reloadAll()

        Forces the console to clear its stored commands and reload them from the CSV. If a command fails to load it will not throw an Exception. Instead it will display an error message to the player and continue to load the rest of the commands normally.

      • getApplicableCommands

         static List<String> getApplicableCommands(BaseCommand.CommandContext context)

        Returns all commands applicable in the given CommandContext. A command will only be excluded if it contains an opposing tag and does not contain the matching one (ex: for CAMPAIGN_MAP, commands will only be excluded if they contain the tag "combat" or "market" but not the tag "campaign".

        Commands with the tag "console" are assumed to be system-level, and will run anywhere.

      • registerAlias

         static void registerAlias(String alias, String command)

        Registers an alias to be used as shorthand for long or multiple commands..

        alias - The alias to register.
        command - The command that will be run in place of alias.
      • getKnownTags

         static List<String> getKnownTags()

        Returns all command tags that the mod is currently aware of.